Paracheirodon axelrodi

Explanation of the symbols

Family : Characidae
Origin : Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia
Length : 5 cm - 2"
Min.length aquarium : 60 cm - 23"
English name : Cardinal Tetra
Peaceful schooling fish that should be kept in groups of at least ten. A good community fish that can be kept together with other small fish. This fish will fall prey to large fish, such as Pterophyllum scalare. A regular changing of the water is necessary. The aquarium should be planted on the sides and background and have a dark gravel substrate.  The lighting of the aquarium should be dimmed by some floating plants.  In the middle enough free swimming space should be left.

The fish is omnivorous.  You should give them a great variety of live, frozen and dry food.  Because the mouth is not big, the food should be small.

Breeding is not easy.  The water should be very soft and acidic.  (max. 2GH en 6 PH).  Up to 40 eggs are laid between bushy plants.  After spawning the parents should be removed.  The eggs are especially sensitive to light.  The aquarium should be darkened. After 1 day the eggs hatch and another 5 days later the young fishes are swimming free.  Then you can feed them with infusoria.

Photo Credit

Jan Bukkems

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