Nannostomus marginatus

Explanation of the symbols


Family : Lebiasinidae
Origin : Surinam, Guyana, Amazon river
Length : 3,5 cm - 1,4"
Min.length aquarium : 40 cm - 15"
English name : Dwarf Pencilfish
This is the smallest of the Pencilfishes.  He is very peaceful and you can keep them in very small tanks together with other small species.  The aquarium should be planted on the sides and background with a lot of fine-leafed plants.  In the middle a lot of free swimming space should be left for this schooling fish.

You should feed the fish with small live food.  Dry food is accepted as well.

Breeding is not very easy.  The water should be extremely soft ( up to 2 KH ) and acid (6 Ph).  The light should be dimmed.  Up to 40 eggs are laid between fine leafed plants.  Because the fish is a egg eater you should remove the parents after spawning.  After 1-3 days the eggs hatch.  When the young fishes are swimming free you can feed them with small infusoria.

Photo Credit

Aquarium Dietzenbach

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