Symphysodon aequifasciatus

Explanation of the symbols

Family : Cichlidae
Origin : Amazon river
Length : 15 cm - 6"
Min.length aquarium : 150 cm - 60"
English name : Discus
Peaceful fish that can be kept best in an aquarium that is set up especially for this kind of fish.  The height of the aquarium should be at least 50 centimeters (20"). You should set up the aquarium with roots, driftwood, and heavy vegetation to provide hiding places. Open swimming areas should be created.  They are very sensitive for nitrates.

You should feed them live food, but before feeding you better freeze the food so parasites will be killed.  They barely accept dry food.

Breeding is with a good matching couple fairly easy.  Several hundreds of eggs are laid on a leaf of a plant.  After a few days they hatch.  They are carefully protected by the parents.  The fry feed on a milky secretion from the parents skin.  It is barely impossible to raise the young without the parents.  After a week you can feed the youngsters with baby brine shrimp.

Photo Credit

Jan Bukkems

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